Using Endnote in Word 365 with multiple citations – Wondering how to change the separator from comma to semicolon?
I’ve got you.

Open EndNote
Go to Edit Output StylesEdit “name-of-your-style”
Under Citations, click Templates
Look down. See the Multiple citation separator?
That’s where your comma is.
Replace it with a semicolon.
Don’t forget to File Save As → “name-of-your-style-rev”
go back into Word, under EndNote, choose the “name-of-your-style-rev” Profit!

EndNote comma to semicolon separator in Word
how to edit endnote comma to semicolon
how to edit endnote comma to semicolon

About Erika Sanborne

Erika is an award-winning, long-time educator, who consults with individual faculty and administrators on how to meet their teaching goals. She is now also a population health researcher and sociology PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota, which means for now, she is a senior adjunct professor, a consultant, a research assistant, and a PhD Candidate, all at the same time. This has enhanced her understanding of the teaching and learning issues we're facing in academia today on all fronts.

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